Sindo 2012

The basic foundation

The basic foundation for any successful brand director is to be able to communicate with all kinds of people within their company: introverts, extroverts, pushovers, greedy, elitists and clientèle…

Like any manager, they should have a reasonably broad understanding of every department without having to be a master in any of them. Micro managing everything leads to heartache. They need to know how to delegate effectively. Obviously it also helps considerably to know about Brand strategy development and the design process, as that knowledge will help them visualize and manage all aspects of production, not to mention providing them the ability to communicate using the correct language when giving feedback to designers and the likes.

It goes without saying, having excellent people skills and a willingness to learn a little bit about everything will go a long way, they also need to have strong fundamental office procedural skills to boot. Knowing how to effectively handle complicated spreadsheets and knowing how to prioritize tasks for other people rather than finding themselves overwhelmed by it or by putting that stress onto other colleagues and or subordinates due to their lack of focus

Published - Brand Coffee Biweekly Newsletter – dmid 2013 Edition 15